Clennell Street - Camp Knowe

Camp Knowe is not actually on Clennell Street but is conspicuously visible from it lying to the east on the other side of the river Alwin on a spur of Clennell Hill.

As with many hillforts in the Cheviots it elects not to sit upon the highest and most defensible position on the hill but further down in an altogether more impressive position. The picture here shows a view of Camp Knowe from Castle Hills. The double ramparts constructed from earth and rubble are striking structures even today. Given that they have been damaged by agricultural activity as well as the passage of time then Camp Knowe must have been a truly arresting sight when in use.

A climb to the fort reveals the outlines of structures inside the ramparts though these may date from Roman times. From the north it can be seen that the ramparts here are not as heavily constructed but here there is a steep drop down to the river Alwin which could excuse less formidable defences.

Again the form of the hillfort is similar to those from the late Iron Age and many hillforts of this type were constructed around 600BC. Given the location overlooking Clennell Street, where we know there were settlements occupied at dates much earlier than this, it is fair to suppose that the hillfort here could have had a Bronze Age origin.