Welcome to Gefrin

Welcome to an eclectic look at some of the archaeology and heritage in and around Northumberland. Find here an overview of some of the wealth of history and heritage between the Tyne and Tweed. My aim is simply to tempt you to visit; to give you a few insights into the lumps and bumps on the ground in the hope that you will join me in enjoying a historically rich and archaeologically fascinating part of the world.

Feel free to have a look around. You may well find out about one of the oldest inhabited dwellings in the UK, locate a prehistoric factory floor in use for thousands of years, look at the evidence for an ancient tsunami that changed the changed the outline of British Isles forever or simply find your way to the centre of some breathtaking hillfort settlements.


Ad Gefrin Museum

Information on the Gefrin Trust involvement in the new Ad Gefrin Museum in Wooler.

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Yeavering Bell

Crowned with the largest hill fort in Northumberland, Yeavering Bell has been the focus of attention for thousands of years.



A closer look at some of my favourite Northumbrian hillforts with access information, maps and diagrams.



Excavating a Bronze Age cairn on the Northumberland coast unearthed an unexpected cross-section of history.


The Kaims Wetland

A post-glacial wetland which has been in use for thousands of years.


Cresswell Pele

A well preserved pele tower on the Northumberland coast. Recent archaeological excavations and an extensive renovation.

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Mesolithic Footprints

Astonishing footprints of animals and humans from the Mesolithic preserved in the Northumbrian peat.


Humbleton Hill

Surrounded by history, the highest part of Humbleton Hill is home to a magnificent hillfort.


The Duddo Stones

The most striking stone circle in the north-east with details of the 2008 excavations.


Great Hetha

The hillfort on Great Hetha has some of the most impressive views in the Cheviot Hills.



An easily accessible hillfort, Bronze-Age burials and some of the most remarkable rock-art in the region.


The Gefrin Trust

Information about the Early Mediaeval palace site at Yeavering.


West Hill

A defended hilltop settlement with clear evidence of later occupation.


About Henges

A quick look at the elusive Northumbrian henges.


Clennell Street

An ancient trackway through the Northumbrian hills with a wealth of visible archaeology.



A few notes about roundhouses. The dwelling of choice for generations of our ancestors.


A Mesolithic House

The earliest human settlement in Northumberland and one of only a few Stone Age dwellings known from the British Isles.


Brian Hope-Taylor

An almost legendary archaeologist. His work on the Ad Gefrin palace site and at Bamburgh is still inspiring. But who was he?