What is Photogrammetry?

Photogrammetry is a widely used technique within archaeology today. 3D models of finds, objects, trenches and buildings can be constructed from a series of photographs. Software scanning identifies common points within the photographs. Triangulated lines of sight can be developed from each camera position to the identified points on the object. These lines of sight are then mathematically intersected to produce the 3-dimensional coordinates of the points of interest. This then allows the software to interpolate a ‘point cloud’ for the entire object which can then be converted into a mesh of triangles. This mesh is then texture-mapped using the original photographic images to give a realistic surface to the model.

Click to activate the 3D model view. Use your mouse to spin the model. The mouse wheel acts as a zoom. The right mouse button allows you to pan around the model. Use the menu above the 3D models to browse.

Lordenshaws Hillfort

Around 90 photographs taken using a drone were used to create this overview of the entire hillfort at Lordenshaws.